Date Published: July 4, 2012
The red, white and blue flashed across my face creating in me the anxiety of an ambulance racing towards me with a screaming siren and blinding lights.
Pride for being an American. The honor of being a part of this free country. On a glorious summer day, the crowds rushed to gather along the main street to stand tall in front of the carefully planned parade. I had the detached feeling I wasn’t being called to it. A black sheep rebelling against the status quo? So I sat cooly at a distance, contemplating with what meant for me.
More than lack of interest, I felt an unexpected nostalgia, deep deep sadness. Believing we ARE free generates despair within. If we believe ‘this is it’… how can we aspire to grow? How can we hope to break away from the binding rules imposed on us by society and culture; and the beliefs we limit ourselves with!?
I’m always eager to look at the positive side of things. I pep talked myself into a festive state of mind: let’s celebrate the opportunity this country has given us to study and learn so many things, to express our opinions, to transform ideas into successful ventures, to live in a diverse community that welcomes so many nationalities and customs. The space to move around freely and enjoy the wonders of it’s land. The liberty to find so many like-minded individuals who live their Truth and fight for ultimate freedom.
Celebrating is always appropriate! Every moment deserves a sense of gratitude and awe for the miracle of life. A friend at the coffee store suggested, “You have to take your boys to the parade!” I smiled back feeling no obligation to take them or any guilt about them skipping it. I then realized that my car was stuck in a barricaded parking lot. At this moment, life took charge and I let it flow. Without having really chosen to, I walked back home along the whole stretch of the Village green where hundreds of people were encouraging the parade participants to ignore the heat and enjoy the attention of the masses.
My boys poured out the front door full of sunscreen and pulling the throttle on their scooters. Several drops of sweat later, we were deep in the flow of independence. Seeing their powerful little legs push them along the path to discover what the parade was all about, flooded my heart with joy. Fire trucks, people on horses, local businesses, decorated golf carts, jumping cars, families and friends, fanning hands and bottles of beer. Their eyes darted everywhere, their fingers pointed here and there.
Public holidays lift moral and invite the masses to unify against the ‘enemies’; they are a form of distraction, making us question less and be proud of how things are. I can celebrate today without being blind to facts. I CAN’T expect everyone to see clearly when I still have so much dirt to dig through.
As we breath freedom into our bloodstream, we can get dizzy in it’s soaring quality. I am not conforming. I am not complaining. I am simply looking for a better way.
Bah bah black sheep, have you any wool? Yes sir! Yes sir! Many bags full!
Love, light and laughter,