Date Published: December 27, 2013

New Year’s seems like a good time to tweak what I’m About on my blog. Why? These last few years I have gone through intense transformation and growth. I’m ready to make decisions and take action; I have the courage to be imperfect, make mistakes and pivot when I see something is not working. As time goes by I’m getting closer to the real me, inspired, connected, on fire!
So here it is: a new About me. With a different name and whole lot of love and energy to make a difference.
About Mena:
I had a mid-life crisis at the age of 33. I was numb and uninspired! How could I have everything on the check list and feel miserable? This was the hight of my life?! Unexpectedly, I went through a raging divorce, clawing for my sense of worth, independence and an opportunity to live a life that inspired me.
I discovered a new disease in our society that few people talk about: Having so much and not really being happy. It’s no longer a mystery. There is a cure which takes us beyond our imagination.
This was my scenario: I was four years out of the job market to raise two boys, living in Miami, and I had a background in a troubled industry. How was I going to leverage my BA in Economics and MBA from Booth Chicago and still take care of my kids? Strategy? No. Medium term goals? Not yet. I listened to my heart. These last few years have been about self-discovery. I have traveled to mystical destinations, gone on many retreats, studied from diverse teachers, learned a multitude of different practices to find the light within. It was always within me, I just needed to let go of my life long conditioning to see it.
I define myself as an Explorer of Consciousness and a Mindful Entrepreneur, bringing together my financial background and my deeply engrained awareness of my mind, body and spirit. Wander around my blog, you’ll find raw posts where I share experiences from my heart.
Instead of pushing my boundaries, I focus on my strengths and embrace each limitation as a challenge that allows me to grow. I’m Menafesting my life! Today I explore life with Joy and Abundance. Through my own experience and vulnerability, I am aware of the intricacies of being a human. I KNOW we all have unique gifts and I’m inspired to provide a platform to enable people to discover the treasure they are for this World. I am passionate about empowering the individual to heal and overflow to bring light and healing to our Planet. Thank you for joining me in this wonderful journey of life.
So that’s me. For now. Take a chance! Redefine yourself. Now. Always. That’s how we evolve!!! Do you feel uncomfortable doing that? Ask yourself why!
You might have started the year feeling blissed out. Or maybe you began frustrated with everything you haven’t achieved yet, overwhelmed with how far you are from your dreams. Use that energy to show yourself how much you desire change and to motivate you to make the required changes. Let it fuel your determination!!! The New Year helps us to think about our journey, where we’re going and what is driving us.
Remember, we can do this all year round.
It’s our life. I’m gonna LIVE it. How about you?
Love, Light, Laughter!