Date Published: August 22, 2013

You know those mornings you wake up and the first thing that comes screaming back into your mind is last night? S#**! Really?! Did that just happen?! Yeah. You know those… Cringe! Running thoughts: I probably won’t be invited to parties anymore. Did I drink too much? Wonder how far the gossip has gone so far this morning!?
Wait a minute!! I was sober, clear and fully centered in my light. Lets go straight to the point. I had just come from swimming lanes under the stars back at the complex where I live and driven my golf cart to a big bash birthday party in my neighborhood. Towards the end of the party someone dared me into jumping in the pool and promised they would too if I took the lead. Hello!? I’m ready to jump into life all the time. No brainer for me!! Have fun and force them to keep their promise? I was game.
So I had a zippy dress and took it off. That might have triggered some excitement. Underneath I had a dark top and panties that could get away as being a bikini. 1, 2, 3, splash! Pool party initiated!! Surprise!!!!! YES, definitely. Not so much for me. I’m used to getting wet from experiences like jumping in the ocean from a boat after drinks, in the morning to follow dolphins, splash into the sunset to join friends playing ball, and head to a spa after dinner! Mermaid? Not yet.
Following act several guys started peeling of their pants and shirts and dove into the pool in their undies. It’s so freeing to be swimming when it is not expected. Second (and third!) thoughts started to crunch in when I realized I was the only girl and I was listening to comments that no father would approve. When we break out of structure we need to be more aware than ever of our actions. Otherwise freedom is dangerous and becomes a bad word. Can you Play NICE!?
Message for the guys:
You’re excited and having fun. You think it’s cool that a girl jumps in the water and knows how to have fun. It’s not cool to throw your manly energy around thinking she’s there as bait. Can women feel motivated and encouraged to play if you say things that would get you fired at work? True connection happens when we feel safe and honored, then our boundaries start to peel off; not when we are focused on lower chakra energies of control and neediness.
Message for the goddesses:
You are gorgeous with your hairdo and makeup. You are stunning when you are having fun, drenched in laughter and pool water. Just make sure your outfits serve you and not the other way around. We need to teach the guys how we deserve to be treated. They’ll get it if we communicate, teach and hold our ground with clarity and love.
I’m grateful for a wonderful evening and the insight they gave me. Looking forward to grow together. We need to play more to be in wonder of life while respecting each other in the process. Freedom comes with responsibility and requires a heightened awareness of our intentions, others’ feelings and space. Wishing you a fun and playful weekend.